Most of us know in theory that we should be eating more vegetables. However, we may not be putting that theory into practice too well.
Vegetables are an ideal because most vegetables are low in calories, sugar, and carbohydrates and high in fiber and nutrition.
Here are just a few tips that I trust will help you to incorporate more vegetables into your diet!
1. To eat more vegetables, add them to your smoothies.
Spinach, kale, and cucumbers can easily be added to a smoothie. Chances are, you will not notice the taste much, and yet you will increase your vegetable intake.
2. To eat more vegetables, add them to soups and casseroles.
You can puree the vegetables at first if need be. As you and your family learn to enjoy vegetables more, you can make more vegetable soups. What I do to make a vegetable soup is start with a meat and add whatever vegetables are in our refrigerator and freezer, and add our favorite seasonings. You can also add some kind of starch to your soup if you like. We like brown rice pasta.
3. To eat more vegetables, eat a small salad with each meal.
If you prefer vegetables raw rather than cooked, you can add them to salads. Once you begin to enjoy salads more, you can add a protein to your salad and make it a full meal. Think of taco salad!
4. To eat more vegetables, eat the ones you like most and slowly introduce others.
If you like lettuce and tomato, you have the beginnings of a salad. If you like cucumbers, eat them as a snack with a bit of salt sprinkled on them after you cut them in half! If you like carrots, add them to your salads and soups.
5. To eat more vegetables, buy frozen for convenience.
Frozen vegetables are already washed and processed and are therefore perfect for busy people. I always make sure to purchase organic frozen vegetables. Go here to learn other healthy foods to keep in your freezer.
6. To eat more vegetables, prepare them for cooking the same day that you shop for them.
I have started doing this thanks to advice in a book I read, and it has saved me much time and made cooking much easier. When vegetables are washed, cut, and ready to add to a meal, you will be more likely to eat them and use them even after a long day at work or a long day spring cleaning!
7. To eat more vegetables, grow them!
Having a garden right outside your door is the ultimate way of having fresh vegetables to eat in the summer and fall! If you are not confident about growing an enormous garden (I am not!), you can grow just one or two types of vegetables and add one or two new ones each spring. 🙂
Go here to learn the other benefits of having a garden and reasons to grow a container garden.
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