7 Tips to Have Less Stress

7 Tips to Have Less Stress

Stress is quite prevalent in today’s world.  People stress about their jobs, about money, and about world situations. Stress depletes nutrition from your body and is detrimental to your heart.  I personally know people who have lived under large amounts of...
5 Superfoods to Consume Regularly

5 Superfoods to Consume Regularly

Years ago the food was different than it is now.  Today you need to eat three oranges to get nutritional value of one orange that your grandparents ate.  The problem with eating three oranges, though, is that you get too much sugar from them.  Even if you are eating...
5 Reasons to Declutter Your Microwave

5 Reasons to Declutter Your Microwave

It’s the New Year, and you may be taking advantage of the time to declutter after the holidays!  Junk mail, advertisements from 2012, and books you don’t care to read must all go! The kitchen is a place where clutter can add up unless we are vigilant about...
9 Homemaking Lessons from Nobody by Susan Warner

9 Homemaking Lessons from Nobody by Susan Warner

One of the reasons that I love vintage books is that they have so many hidden nuggets of homemaking.  As our world situation becomes less predictable, one thing that we homemakers can do is make our homes lovely, welcoming, and predictable.  I have much to learn in...