Recently I wrote about how to read more. In case you missed it, you can go here to learn some of the benefits of reading. One of my best tips about how to read more, I saved for today’s blog post, and that is to listen to audio books. Audio books have kept me...
Do you set goals to read more, and yet days and weeks go by without your reading very much or not reading at all? That is how my life used to go. However, one year everything changed. I decided that reading was important and have been reading more ever since. You...
Not under the Law is one of my most favorite books. It is about a young lady named Joyce who wants to become a school teacher after all her near relatives pass away. In order to accomplish her goal, she must leave the relatives who want to have her as an unpaid...
One of the reasons that I love vintage books is that they have so many hidden nuggets of homemaking. As our world situation becomes less predictable, one thing that we homemakers can do is make our homes lovely, welcoming, and predictable. I have much to learn in...
As I mentioned in a few blog posts this year, I love to read. If I am not reading, I am often listening to an audiobook. Reading has literally changed my life. Because of reading, I have met fascinating people that I would not have met otherwise. Reading is also a...