10 Homemaking Lessons from Aunt Hannah and Martha and John

10 Homemaking Lessons from Aunt Hannah and Martha and John

During the last two years, life has been quite uncertain for me.  First, two family members, one older and one quite young, were diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses.  One survived, and one did not.  Next, we were locked down at home in March of 2020. Lockdown at...
3 Ways to Use Up Ripe Produce Quickly

3 Ways to Use Up Ripe Produce Quickly

Eating quantities of produce is part of being healthy!  This is the season of abundant produce at the farmer’s market and, if you garden, from your garden. Even if you do not have a garden or shop at the farmer’s market, you may, in spite of all your...
5 Reasons We Enjoy Misfits Market

5 Reasons We Enjoy Misfits Market

Last year our family signed up for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box.  We were excited to support a local farmer and to eat more produce.  The box we received was said to have enough food for two people who ate a lot of produce. I wish that I could say that...
5 Benefits of Early Rising

5 Benefits of Early Rising

  “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”  – Benjamin Franklin Waking up later in the day can cause stress, tardiness, lack of focus, and a general feeling of being “behind.”  If you want to have more...
5 Tips to Reduce Wasted Food in Your Kitchen

5 Tips to Reduce Wasted Food in Your Kitchen

During my childhood, I had a pastor had grown up in the Great Depression.  He often mentioned that his parents would have nothing on their plates at meal times.  When the children would ask why their parents had nothing to eat, the parents would tell them not to worry...