9 Dorm Room Essentials

9 Dorm Room Essentials

Disclosure: This blog post mentions several products that our family uses on a daily basis.  If you click on the link and purchase that product or any others, I will earn a small commission at no cost to you. Fall weather is refreshing, and it reminds us that in...
5 Benefits of an Early Bed Time

5 Benefits of an Early Bed Time

It’s 2 pm, and you are ready for a nap.  Last night you stayed up til 1 am again, and your alarm reminded you that it was time to be getting ready for the day at 5:30.  You hit snooze twice and finally wake up 15 minutes before you need to be out the door. You...
7 Benefits of Reading

7 Benefits of Reading

Before I began my first job as a teenager, my summers were filled with reading.  Since both my parents love to read, it was natural for me to read as well.  Each summer I read about thirty books of considerable length.  High school and college were filled with...
5 Back to School Essentials

5 Back to School Essentials

Back to school can be a dreaded experience, but it does not need to be.  When summer is finished and vacations are memories, it’s the perfect time to take full advantage of structure and routine to take the best care of yourself possible. Back to school also...