“I feel terrible from all the junk food I ate,” is no way to ring in the New Year! Yes, the New Year is a blessed time of new beginnings and a “fresh start” with numerous goals. It is the perfect time to get together with friends and family....
This article was updated on October 7, 2024. My sophomore year in college, I purchased more bug spray that I care to admit. Our dorm room had a light right outside it, by the window, and there was a gap between the window and the window pane. The previous two factors...
Why do I feel so horrible after I eat? Free Teleseminar “Three Steps to Stop Shortening Your Life via Your Eating Habits” by Luba Rokpelnis, Lifestyle Trainer When: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 Time: 7 PM Central Location: Virtually (via phone) Yes, I want a spot! *...