7 Reasons You Need a Probiotic Daily

7 Reasons You Need a Probiotic Daily

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or a nurse.  Talk to your doctor before you add any supplements to your daily routine.  The products discussed are not mean to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.   Why should you eat breakfast?  You had dinner last night and...

9 Signs You Need a Cleanse

Did you know you are exposed to numerous toxins every day?  The sources of these toxins are the water you drink, the food you eat, the cleaners you use in your home, and the personal and skincare products you use.  All of these products in your home, plus others to...
7 Benefits of Honey

7 Benefits of Honey

Honey is an amazing natural remedy that has been used for over 5,000 years all over the world.  Bees collect nectar from various plants, and the type of plant from which the nectar is gathered affects the taste of honey. If you do not already consume honey on a...
How to Battle Your Sunburn and Win

How to Battle Your Sunburn and Win

I was so thirsty!  A couple of years ago I traveled to a sunny state for business training.  Since the water at the hotel was not drinkable, I needed to purchase water to drink to avoid dehydration.  Being without a car, I set out on foot to the nearest place that...
7 Benefits of Aloe for You

7 Benefits of Aloe for You

Nothing works!  What can I do?  Several years ago, I used products from health food stores, took doctor’s advice, and implemented other ways to feel better.  I was exhausted, my immune system was very low, and I just felt terrible overall.  Nothing changed until...