Processed sugar is toxic to your body. It depletes nutriton from your body; causes heart problems, diabetes, inflammation, and cavities; and can cause your face to break out. In order to avoid processed sugar, you need to avoid products such as barbecue sauce,...
The weather has cooled down significantly, and it’s time to drink hot chocolate. It’s tasty, and it keeps you warm. Before you go to the store to purchase Swiss Miss, please consider the following: it has an excessive amount of sugar (27 grams in just...
If you want to eat healthier, you are more likely than not trying to consume less sugar. It seems there is always a holiday, birthday, anniversary, or some other “reason” to eat sugar. Here are nine ways you can eat less sugar. 1. Read labels Before you...
The average American consumes 22 teaspoons of ADDED sugar every day (source). If your smoothie does not taste so good, just add some sugar, right? Well, not if you are concerned about your long-term well-being. One day a client was raving to me about a certain...
Fall is officially here, and with fall, colds. If you are tired of someone or other having a cold in your family, keep reading! When you are suffering with a cold, you feel horrible with aches, pains, and possibly a fever. You need an endless supply of tissues. ...