Are you sitting most of the day? It’s easy to do. We sit at work, at church, in the car, at meals, and in front of the computer or television. Being inactive takes little effort yet could mean serious health issues for you one day. A lack of exercise can lead...
“I’m too tired to cook,” was a frequent thought when I was working crazy hours. My lack of cooking at home was a contributor to my health issues. In countries such as the USA, we have sacrificed quality on the altar of convenience and paid for it...
How embarrassing! I can’t leave the house now! Have you ever thought these words as you woke up in the morning and looked in the mirror? In addition to being embarrassing, acne can be very painful. It appears mostly on the face and back yet can infect any...
If you want to eat healthier, you are more likely than not trying to consume less sugar. It seems there is always a holiday, birthday, anniversary, or some other “reason” to eat sugar. Here are nine ways you can eat less sugar. 1. Read labels Before you...
Happy New Year! I wish you much love, joy, peace, and good health. What are some of your 2019 goals? I’d love to hear. Please share in the comments. If you are looking for last-minute healthy appetizers for tonight, you can find fast and easy ideas here. For...