Normal or Insane?

Normal or Insane?

Weekly or daily, you hear of someone that makes it into the statistics. This person grew up, finished school, possibly attended college and lived a “normal life.” You know, working hard, eating on the go, not taking proper care of their bodies but “doing their best.”...
In twenty years

In twenty years

In Twenty Years No one wants to retire and have no money. What can be worse than that? To retire, have money, and use most of it on medical bills. People hire a financial planner so that when they retire, they have the money to do what they want to do. They start...
Free Teleseminar:  How to Feel Your Best in 2017!

Free Teleseminar: How to Feel Your Best in 2017!

Tired?  Bloated?  Under the weather?  Hormones out of balance? Yes?  Join me for an exciting and timely teleseminar! “How to Feel Your Best in 2017!” Free Teleseminar by Luba Rokpelnis, Lifestyle Trainer Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at noon Central  Time Where:...