Working long hours on very few hours of sleep, eating low quality foods, rarely exercising, and being stressed out 90% of the time were my norm eight and nine years ago. Unfortunately, they are the norm of many Americans.Why is it that we must encounter a major...
Photo by David Greenwood-Haigh on UnsplashMost of us are eating at home more often. This is a perfect time to improve your eating habits and eat healthier foods. During this coronavirus time, it has been very interesting to me that many packaged foods have sold out,...
The stock market is not doing well, but it is never a bad time to invest in your health. As this pandemic continues, many of the people who are losing their lives were not healthy before the pandemic. In other words, their immune systems were compromised. Although...
Already people are joking about how much weight they will gain during stay at home orders. Can I help you? Gaining weight from inactivity is not a requirement or a default during a lock down or quarantine. It’s a choice. First, it’s easier to keep the...
Schools are cancelled, people are panicking by buying unimaginable amounts of paper products, and we are practicing social distancing.In just a few short days, our lives here in the USA have been greatly altered. For our European friends, that change came weeks...