Do you realize your every day products are poisoning you?
“Spring Cleaning Your Personal Care Products” – Three Ways Your Personal Care Products are Making You Ill!
by Luba Rokpelnis, Lifestyle Trainer
Times: noon, 7 PM, and 9 PM Central Time (choose which works best for you)
Where: in the comfort of your home (virtually)
Watch for friendly reminder emails with the link to the event. 🙂
In this event, you will learn . . .
1. Why the type of personal care products you use is important
2. The risk of using the cheapest products
3. Why fragrance may not be your friend
4. How personal care products are making you ill
This is for you if . . .
1. You genuinely care about your family’s health
2. You want to keep harmful chemicals out of your home and body
3. You are open to new ways of taking care of yourself and your family
When I was a young girl, I helped my mom by doing the dishes. However, every time I did the dishes, my skin would react to the dish soap (I learned much later on that it was the dish soap). After I made the switch in my mid-twenties to a safer product, I no longer experience these reactions. In addition, I learned that I was washing my hair with chemicals. My curly hair did not appreciate it at all, and it showed it with breakage and split ends. Now I no longer get split ends!
Two of my customers exclaimed their joy over:
- Cleaning her bathroom and not needing to take a shower right afterwards because the cleaner did not coat her body with chemicals
- Cleaning her shower and not coughing because the cleaner did not irritate her respiratory system
After you subscribe, you will receive a confirmation email. Be sure to take a moment to confirm your subscription to the event so that you will receive friendly reminders beforehand and so that you will receive the details on how to join us!
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See you at the event!