Older and Feeling Younger - www.healthywithluba.com #wellness #jointhealth #exercise #hiking

I was thoroughly embarrassed! 

Six years ago in June, my husband-to-be, his mom, and I went for a hike in the beautiful mountains of California!  I was so excited because the Midwest where I grew up had no mountains, and this trip to the mountains reminded me of my childhood days when my dad worked in the beautiful mountains of Kyrgyzstan!

As eager as I was for this great opportunity to exercise and see the beautiful California nature, I was out of breath within five minutes of the hike.  Furthermore, it was so embarrassing to ask my very fit and athletic husband-to-be to take a rest every five to ten minutes of the hike.



























Yes, we stopped to take beautiful pictures.  However, I learned very fast how poor my health really was, how out of shape I was, and how even enthusiasm was not enough to keep me going.  We got a decent way up the mountain, and I was able to keep up with him for the most time.  He did get a really honest view of how I was feeling.

After the hike, I had to take a long nap because I was so exhausted.  It was a great workout, but it was also a rather humbling experience for me.

Fast forward six years, and last week we were in California again, climbing the same mountain!  I had been taking good care of myself for over four years, eating much better (very, very little fast food and processed food), walking for exercise, and giving my body proper nutrition.

Keep in mind that I was six years older now (early 30’s).  In addition, I had two very busy weeks with business and house work, right up until we traveled to California.  This time, I had to rest less, I did not run out of breath, and we hiked much higher than we had six years ago. 

Also, after our hike, I felt invigorated, not exhausted.  We went grocery shopping immediately afterward.  Next was dinner time, which meant my husband and I cooked together and washed the dishes.


So what was my secret?  It was a lifestyle change!

  1. Getting rid of toxins from the fast and processed food I had been eating previously
  2. Supporting my heart and lung health
  3. Supporting my joint health
  4. Eating whole foods, and many organic
  5. De-stressing my life
  6. Doing what I love instead of working a stressful job
  7. Changing my outlook on life

The next time someone tells you that getting older has to mean that your body falls apart, don’t believe them.  You can take proactive steps to make sure that your body is being supported in the aging process.

If you love to be out in nature and exploring like we do, and yet your body is achy and resentful of all that healthy exercise, let’s talk.  I would love to listen to what is going on with you, share with you what worked with me, and see if the products that I use would be a fit for you.  Just email me here now, and your email will come directly to me.  All you need to say is, “Yes, let’s talk.”

I look forward to hearing from you!


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