It’s the New Year, and you probably have some health and wellness goals or resolutions in place.
One of them is likely taking some kind of vitamins or natural remedies.
First, let’s discuss the impacts that vitamins or natural remedies can have on your health:
1. They can support your gut health.
All disease begins in the gut, and it’s vital to take care of your gut/digestive system.
2. They can fill nutritional gaps in your diet.
A medical doctor once told me that most people think they eat healthier than they really do. In addition, if you are eating on the go quite often, you can certainly benefit from vitamins. Third, even if you are eating organic food, it’s nearly impossible to get all your needed nutrition from it.
3. They can support your body’s cardiovascular, circulatory, immune, bone, and skeletal systems.
While you may agree that all of the above benefits are fabulous, the challenge is in taking the vitamins consistently.
If you exercise once a week or once a month, your health will not suffer. You may see some benefits. However, if you exercise five days a week, you will definitely see the benefits.
If you put $50 in your savings account once, you will have $50 in your savings account. However, if you put $50 in your savings account every paycheck, you will have $1,200 in your savings account at the end of one year.
As you can see, consistency matters!
1. Put your vitamins in a place where you can see them.
“Out of sight; out of mind” will be a detriment to your taking your vitamins. Where can you put them so that you remember to take them? Some ideas are on the kitchen or dining room table, by the refrigerator,
2. Set an appointment.
When something is important enough for you, you set an appointment, right? Dentists, doctors, lawyers, and financial planners always make appointments with their clients and potential clients.
Set an appointment on your phone or daily planner to take your vitamins.
3. Prepare your vitamins ahead of time.
Use mini sandwich bags or other containers to store a day’s worth of vitamins so that you can grab them and go when you are busy. This helps my husband and me quite a bit, because the rare time that the vitamins are not prepared ahead of time is when I am rushing out the door and do not take the second set on time.
4. Keep one or two day’s of vitamins in your purse, desk drawer at work, or glove box in your car.
Back ups are important. Businesses back up their data, their emails, and more. At home, you may have a back up of toothpaste, laundry detergent, and pens. On those mornings when you are in a hurry, you will still have a the vitamins in a place other than your home if you have them in at least one other location.
5. Incorporate your vitamin taking into your daily routine.
You do not go for a week without brushing your teeth, putting fuel in your car, or eating dinner. Incorporate your vitamin routine into your day rather than thinking of vitamins as an extra task you need to accomplish.
If you have not been feeling so well, some vitamins and natural remedies can make a huge impact on your health. I’d love to give you a personalized recommendation when you fill out this short questionnaire.
If you would like accountability for taking your vitamins consistently, take a look at some information about my accountability group. I’d love to have you join!
My favorite tip is #4. I do all the others (except #1 – since I keep them locked in a cabinet but I have a note on the cabinet front) and still I occasionally forget. Having a backup is a great idea.
Thank you for reading and for sharing your favorite tip, Beth!
Tip #4 is still my favorite.
Thank you, Beth! And I do have a bottle of vitamins in my purse as I type this. 🙂