Did you know that being thankful is beneficial for your health? Every day I write in my gratitude journal, and this practice helps me to focus on all the blessings in my life.
Here is a list of just a few things for which I am grateful this week:
- George Muller’s exemplary prayer life. I am currently reading Answers to Prayer from George Muller’s Narratives. He is very insistent that everyone can experience answers to prayer the same way he did.
- My husband’s work ethic. I am grateful to my husband for working hard to provide for us. Even when his overtime at work adds up hour after hour, he says not a word of complaint.
- I’m grateful for safety on the roads. Road conditions have not been the best the last few months, and I am grateful for God’s protection over the hundreds of miles my husband and I have traveled.
It’s your turn. For whom or what are you thankful? Please share in the comments below.