5 Tips for Tasty Sandwiches

5 Tips for Tasty Sandwiches

Sandwiches can make a fast, easy meal, but they can quickly become boring as well. Sandwiches are quite versatile and do not need to become boring, especially during the summer when it’s warm enough without heating up the house to make a meal. Furthermore,...
7 Inspiring Quotes about Books

7 Inspiring Quotes about Books

Reading has changed my life.  As a young person I loved to read.  Between the busyness of high school, college, and working multiple jobs, I rarely read.  A few years ago I made a goal to read one book a month.  That twelve-book goal was met by the beginning of March,...
5 Benefits of Early Rising

5 Benefits of Early Rising

  “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”  – Benjamin Franklin Waking up later in the day can cause stress, tardiness, lack of focus, and a general feeling of being “behind.”  If you want to have more...
3 Times Your Immune System Is under Attack

3 Times Your Immune System Is under Attack

Sometimes it is easy to get caught off guard and to become ill.  If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know I emphasize the importance of avoiding illness rather than reacting when you become ill.  While you may not be able to avoid every time of illness,...
7 Tips to Manage Your Weight

7 Tips to Manage Your Weight

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or nurse.  Please consult with your doctor before making changes to your diet or exercise program.   While focusing solely on your weight is not healthy, it is important to manage your weight properly.  Instead of doing fad diets, it is...
5 Tips to Reduce Wasted Food in Your Kitchen

5 Tips to Reduce Wasted Food in Your Kitchen

During my childhood, I had a pastor had grown up in the Great Depression.  He often mentioned that his parents would have nothing on their plates at meal times.  When the children would ask why their parents had nothing to eat, the parents would tell them not to worry...