Thankful Thursday – May 6, 2021
Do you know that being grateful is good for your health? Every day I write down ten things or people for whom I am grateful. Here are just five for today: 1. My parents. My parents made many sacrifices during my life and set a great example for me. Their strong...

5 Tips to Reduce Wasted Food in Your Kitchen
During my childhood, I had a pastor had grown up in the Great Depression. He often mentioned that his parents would have nothing on their plates at meal times. When the children would ask why their parents had nothing to eat, the parents would tell them not to worry...

7 Tips to Rest When You Cannot Travel
Rest is vital to every person. We all get to a point where we need rest. It may be after a loved one's long battle with a terminal illness; after a stressful period of time at work; or after a stressful period of work at home with renovations, extra projects, or...

7 Tips to Make Your Home Smell First-Class
After returning home from a long day of work or running errands, no one wants to smell a foul smell as they open their front door. A house that has an unpleasant smell is not a pleasant place to live or visit. On the other hand, a house with a pleasant scent is...

3 Signs of a Weak Immune System
Did you know that your immune system is important all year long? In the fall and winter, a strong immune system may help you to avoid colds, flus, and viruses. In the spring, the fluctuating temperatures are tough on your immune system. In the summer, your immune...

7 Healthy Foods to Keep in Your Freezer
Are you short on time? Your freezer is your friend in the kitchen. The freezer can save you time and money as well as keep you from wasting food. Instead of filling your freezer with ice cream, chicken nuggets, and frozen hot pockets, fill it with healthy food that...

5 Possible Causes of Fatigue
We live in a society that is perpetually tired. As a result, people are consuming caffeine at alarming rates, getting into car accidents, and making serious mistakes at work. They are short with people to whom they are closest and lose patience with their spouses and...

5 Tips to Beat the Winter Blues
Do you feel as though winter will never end? Are you tired of the snow, ice, and cold? Recently, winter has certainly been more than interesting, with extremely cold weather as far south as south Texas. The northern part of the USA has received below freezing...

3 Reasons to Avoid Canned Soups
Soups are a necessity in winter months! They are a warm, nutritious comfort food! Plus, cooking a soup can make the entire house smell wonderful. Air fresheners are not needed in a home where a soup is simmering on the stove. Canned soups can save the day when...

7 Comforts in Stressful Times
2020 brought much uncertainty to our lives. At present, 2021 seems to be a continuation of 2020. When times are uncertain, it is easy to become discouraged and even paralyzed to the point of doing nothing. We have the choice to be sad, angry or bitter, or to be...