5 Tips to Reduce Wasted Food in Your Kitchen

5 Tips to Reduce Wasted Food in Your Kitchen

During my childhood, I had a pastor had grown up in the Great Depression.  He often mentioned that his parents would have nothing on their plates at meal times.  When the children would ask why their parents had nothing to eat, the parents would tell them not to worry...
3 Reasons to Avoid Canned Soups

3 Reasons to Avoid Canned Soups

Soups are a necessity in winter months!  They are a warm, nutritious comfort food!  Plus, cooking a soup can make the entire house smell wonderful.  Air fresheners are not needed in a home where a soup is simmering on the stove. Canned soups can save the day when...
7 Comforts in Stressful Times

7 Comforts in Stressful Times

2020 brought much uncertainty to our lives.  At present, 2021 seems to be a continuation of 2020.  When times are uncertain, it is easy to become discouraged and even paralyzed to the point of doing nothing.  We have the choice to be sad, angry or bitter, or to be...
5 Foods You Can Make at Home

5 Foods You Can Make at Home

One blessing of taking steps to being healthier is that it can save you money.  A simple way to be healthier is to make food at home from scratch.  Before you say, “I have no time,” and leave this blog post, I am not saying you need to make everything from...
5 Tips to Eat Healthy

5 Tips to Eat Healthy

A low immune system, obesity, and long-term health issues are all side effects of eating unhealthy.  The best way to ensure that your family eats healthy is to eat at home.  Along with the aforementioned risks, food poisoning is another hazard of eating at...