7 Benefits of Honey

7 Benefits of Honey

Honey is an amazing natural remedy that has been used for over 5,000 years all over the world.  Bees collect nectar from various plants, and the type of plant from which the nectar is gathered affects the taste of honey. If you do not already consume honey on a...
7 Tips to Increase Your Energy Naturally

7 Tips to Increase Your Energy Naturally

It’s 2 pm, and you feel as though you need a nap.  You cannot focus on your work, and you may as well not be there because your productivity levels are zero. You are discouraged because you still have more work to accomplish, and there is dinner to cook and the...
7 Signs You Are Too Tired

7 Signs You Are Too Tired

Today I was walking with a friend, we discussed how in certain organizations, being tired is “just life” or even more concerning a badge of honor. “You can sleep when you’re dead,” was a joke at college.  Well, if you don’t sleep...
Webinar:  Seven Ways Caffeine Is Damaging Your Health!

Webinar: Seven Ways Caffeine Is Damaging Your Health!

Do you feel as though you cannot live without caffeine?  Are you so tired you can’t think straight? Free Webinar – “Seven Ways Caffeine Is Damaging Your Health” by Luba Rokpelnis, Lifestyle Trainer Date:  Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 2 PM Central...
It Got Worse [My Story, Part 2]

It Got Worse [My Story, Part 2]

As a college student, I was feeling worse and worse physically.  If you missed last week’s newsletter, you can read it here.  After college graduation, I began working as dorm supervisor as well as college secretary.  There was always work to do.  This person...