7 Reasons You Need a Summer Cleanse

7 Reasons You Need a Summer Cleanse

You feel tired even though you sleep 8-10 hours a night.  You are under the weather often and miss important life events and even work.  You wonder what is wrong with you. I know how you feel because that is how I used to feel as well.  I tried a few different...
5 Back to School Essentials

5 Back to School Essentials

Back to school can be a dreaded experience, but it does not need to be.  When summer is finished and vacations are memories, it’s the perfect time to take full advantage of structure and routine to take the best care of yourself possible. Back to school also...
What’s in Your Protein Shake?

What’s in Your Protein Shake?

It’s 10 am, and your stomach is growling.  You woke up and got a fast start to your day by skipping breakfast. After all, no one can look at you and determine that you had not eaten breakfast.  On the other hand, if you had not ironed your clothes, you would...
How to Eat Healthy on the Road

How to Eat Healthy on the Road

My dear friend Jessi from college wrote to me recently and lamented about the amount of junk food her family is eating.  They are used to eating salads, beans, and made-from-scratch everything in Africa where they have lived for the last eight years.  Now they are...