While spring is a favorite season, especially in colder climates, it can bring its share of health concerns.  Flu season seems to extend itself into spring, and the blooming trees and flowers present another challenge–allergies.  Although flu and allergies may seem like two separate conditions, both are a result of a compromised immune system.

Being ill in the spring can ruin your travel plans, cause stress due to missed work days, and can negatively impact your entire family’s wellbeing.  It can delay your plans to plant your garden and also make you too weak to carry out your daily responsibilities.

At the time of the writing of this article, the coronavirus is another threat globally.  The good news is that you don’t need to worry about taking multiple sick days but can take extra precautions to stay well this spring.

1. Add spring cleaning to your calendar.

While illness may have departed from your home, you don’t want it to return simply because the germs have not been eradicated from your home.  Whether you want to spring clean all in one weekend or over the course of several weeks, it is a vital task to do.

You need to wash all pillows, blankets, comforters, rugs, and table cloths.  A deep clean in the bathrooms can get rid of bacteria that can cause your family illness.

2.  Take spend more time outside.

Wash your car, take a walk or hike, read outside, or turn your lunch into a picnic.  With extra sunlight hours, it’s easier to absorb Vitamin D, which may support your immunity.

3.  Eat food that you cooked.

Yes, it may be wise to limit social get-togethers that involve food.  Eat food that you cooked at home and be sure to follow proper guidelines for cleanliness in the kitchen.

No, this does not mean that you do not socialize outside the home.  Consider creative ways to meet people without eating out.  You can take a walk together, invite them to join you for an activity that you enjoy, or spend an afternoon at a park.

4.  Keep your hands moisturized.

Germs are everywhere, especially in public places.  Dry skin is thin and allows harmful bacteria into your skin.  To avoid this issue, you should use a good moisturizer, and it is equally imperative to prevent drying out your hands with anti-bacterial soap and harsh hand sanitizers.

5.  Continue taking any immune-supporting supplements you were taking in the winter. 

Late is better than never.  If you were not taking any supplements for your immune system this winter, now is the time to begin.  Be sure to take these supplements consistently and at the dosage recommended on the label.

If you want to avoid problems with allergies or other immune-related illness, let’s talk.  I would love to hear what you have tried and what your specific concerns are.  It is much less stressful to stay healthy than it is is to take weeks to recover from an upper respiratory infection.  Email me here now, and I’ll respond within 24 hours to schedule a phone call or Zoom call with you to make a personalized recommendation for your wellbeing.  I used to be ill for weeks at a time each winter and suffered with terrible allergies in the spring, and neither of those are an issue for me anymore.

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