9 Benefits of Exercise

9 Benefits of Exercise

“I’m too tired to exercise,” you may think after a long day of working or taking care of your family. That is what your mind tells you, yet if you take time to exercise, you will be surprised at how much better you will feel. Exercise does not need...
7 Ways You Can De-Stress

7 Ways You Can De-Stress

“I’m so stressed out!”  How many times do you catch yourself saying it–or even thinking it?  We do live in a fast-paced, high-stress world. Stress can be caused by a demanding job, financial struggles, overwork, new responsibilities, and much...
5 Benefits of Gardening

5 Benefits of Gardening

Do you remember your grandmother’s garden?  It had the most delicious vegetables in it.  I have pleasant memories of rows of tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, and even sunflowers! Today grocery stores have in part replaced gardens, yet there are downsides to...
Why You Should Spend More Time Outdoors

Why You Should Spend More Time Outdoors

Years ago, people spent much time outside.  Farmers were in the fields for hours each day.  Women worked outside in gardens and hung their laundry outside. Today much of that has changed, and our lack of time outdoors brings many undesired consequences. Here are...
7 Ways to Exercise More

7 Ways to Exercise More

Are you sitting most of the day?  It’s easy to do.  We sit at work, at church, in the car, at meals, and in front of the computer or television. Being inactive takes little effort yet could mean serious health issues for you one day.  A lack of exercise can lead...