Happy Thanksgiving! I trust that this year you will be able to celebrate with loved ones. Even in the midst of much uncertainty and turmoil in the world, we have so much for which to be grateful. Here is a short and certainly not comprehensive list of gratitude for...
It’s Thankful Thursday. Here is my short list of gratitude:1. I am thankful for a warm place to live. Here in the north we have had cold temperatures, and it’s a blessing to be warm inside without wearing hats, coats, and gloves.2. I am thankful for...
Being grateful is part of being healthy. Ingratitude can make you unhealthy.Here is a list of just five recent blessings in my life: Snow. As I am typing this, we are receiving our second snowfall of the week! Maybe it’s our third. I lost count.Jennifer...
It’s almost the middle of February, and if you live where it snows, you may have seen more snow than you wished to see.It’s easy to complain about the cold, the roads that are more difficult to drive, and the extra work that comes with snow. Salt, sand,...
Did you know that being grateful is very good for your health? If you have not done so, I encourage you to begin a gratitude journal, or a blessings, journal and record three things or people for whom you are thankful. Here is my gratitude list for this week: My...