7 Benefits of Sunshine

7 Benefits of Sunshine

Spring is officially here, and we should have more sunshine and daylight.  Here are just a few benefits of being outside and absorbing more sunshine. Please note that if you will be outside between 10 am and 2 pm for an extended period of time, it is vital to use...
7 Reasons You Need a Probiotic Daily

7 Reasons You Need a Probiotic Daily

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or a nurse.  Talk to your doctor before you add any supplements to your daily routine.  The products discussed are not mean to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.   Why should you eat breakfast?  You had dinner last night and...
5 Benefits of an Early Bed Time

5 Benefits of an Early Bed Time

It’s 2 pm, and you are ready for a nap.  Last night you stayed up til 1 am again, and your alarm reminded you that it was time to be getting ready for the day at 5:30.  You hit snooze twice and finally wake up 15 minutes before you need to be out the door. You...
3 Times Your Immune System Is under Attack

3 Times Your Immune System Is under Attack

Sometimes it is easy to get caught off guard and to become ill.  If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know I emphasize the importance of avoiding illness rather than reacting when you become ill.  While you may not be able to avoid every time of illness,...